Yes! You can become a bona-fide, card-carrying member of the National Ding-A-Ling Club, which sponsors this most interesting day. It was founded in 1971, according to Trivia-Library.com:
"to promote the idea that a ding-a-ling is a wonderful, loving, intelligent, friendly, and the most desirable kind of person to know...a real bellringer!"
For those who wish to become members, dues are $3. Here is their brick-and-mortar address (I did not find a website for it):
National Ding-A-Ling Club
P.O. Box 248
Melrose Park, IL 60161
New Ding-A-Ling Club members receive: a genuine membership card, button, and bumper sticker. (Oooh! Stuff! I may have to sign up. I do love stuff.) The club also publishes a monthly newsletter, Pealings, which promotes:
"less wiles, more smilesless tears, more cheersless shove, more love"
Sounds fun to me! And besides, who couldn't use a little more smiles, cheers, and love in their life?