Artist Adam Gustavson used his considerable artistic talents to create a painting - oil on canvas, no less - and blog post (Dec. 2007) in honor of this day's encouragement of rather unorthodox plunger use:

posted with the artist's permission
image ©Adam Gustavson
**View more of Adam's talents on his blog: The Rhinoceros Boy's Lament, and on his website: Adam Gustavson, Illustrator.
Even if you're no artist you, too, can get in on the fun of Wear a Plunger On Your Head Day. I did a little research to help you get started (you're welcome), and here are some of the more interesting choices:
* If you are the card-sending type, send ecards to friends and loved ones to mark the date., for example, is happy to be of service.
* If you are the fashionista type, perhaps this headgear will do: the Plunger Hat. As stylish as it is functional, it's just the thing for preventing those annoying head-bobs when you're trying to sleep on the train:

* If you're the multi-tasking type, might I suggest combining holidays? December 18th is also Bake Cookies Day. Plunger-shaped cookies, anyone?
* If you're a literalist, then by all means, when you're getting ready for the day tomorrow, plunk a plunger on your noggin. Although I would highly recommend using a new and heretofore unused plunger, to avoid any unfortunate name calling...
If none of these options suit your fancy, then by all means be creative and think up your own original way to celebrate the day. And please, drop me a clean comment (family show here, remember) telling me what you came up with.
Have a very happy Wear a Plunger On Your Head Day!