How can you go wrong with chocolate-covered raisins? Or chocolate-covered Key Lime pie - on a stick? (Ya gotta love fair food.) Or chocolate-covered pretzel sticks? Or chocolate-covered caramels?
Thinking about all of those made me wonder what else out there is chocolate-covered. So I did a web search. And to kick it up a notch, I looked for "weird chocolate-covered foods." Check out these chocolate covered goodies, from the moderately interesting to the truly gross:
- chocolate-covered French fries (Eh. Maybe...)
- chocolate-covered Skittles (Handsome Boy might try these.)
- chocolate-covered giant ants (Ummm, no.)
- chocolate-covered squid (Seriously?)
- chocolate-covered haggis (Ewww. Just ewww.)
To take it one step further, here's what I found - all of them chocolate-covered, of course - with recipes:

This one is gross, but to read the post that goes with the recipe is a total riot: Chocolate-Covered Crickets.

This one is possibly acceptable: Chocolate-Covered Potato Chips. Whadda ya think? You know, the whole, "sweet vs. salty" thing? It might be OK...

And here we have: Chocolate-Covered Bacon. That's right - bacon. Man, I thought deep-fried Twinkies sounded like a heart attack waiting to happen, but this... Well, it is getting a lot of buzz, but I don't know... I just don't know.
I think I'll just stick with my raisins.