Monday, November 3, 2008

Politics and Entertainment

First, there was all the discussion over this year's most historic Democratic primary - an African-American Presidential candidate vs. a woman Presidential candidate.

And you know what? That was a most awesome situation.

Then, there was all the discussion over this year's most historic Presidential election - an African-American Presidential candidate vs. a caucasian Presidential candidate who has sacrificed much for his country.

And you know what? That is a most awesome situation.

Then, there was all the discussion over Saturday Night Live, with it's uncanny impersonations of the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates.

And you know what? That is more than a little funny, and great comic relief from all the seriousness of the election.

Then, SNL branched out into Thursday Night Live sessions dedicated to the lighter side of these intriguing and historic political times.

And you know what? That is also more than a little funny.

Now, SNL has branched out even further: into Monday night - which is tonight, since, you know, tomorrow is the actual election.

And you know what? That is a great idea, and more than a little timely.

But why, why, why couldn't they have done it in a time slot that is NOT the Heroes time slot?
