Read Across America Day is the largest reading event in the United States. Sponsored by the National Education Association (NEA), it is a program whose focus is on "motivating children to read, in addition to helping them master basic skills."
Lest anyone feel left out, this is a celebration for all, from the tiniest of kiddos to the most grown-up of teenagers, and everyone in between. And the reading is not limited to the venerable Dr. Seuss's tomes. Reading is reading - just grab a great book and get to it!
Teachers, librarians, parents and others across the country are having fun right now with their kids, participating in all kinds of activities for Read Across America Day. But if you're new to the party, it's not too late! If you're a teacher, librarian, or parent, visit the NEA Read Across America page for links to activity ideas, background on the day, resources and materials, and lots of other great ways to get involved. Teachers and librarians may also want to visit ReadWriteThink.org for a page full lesson plans, web links, and texts to guide your classroom activities.
And now, I gotta go. I've got two kiddos home from school on a snow day, and we can't wait to curl up on the couch with a warm blanket, some hot chocolate, and a mountainous stack of books...