And now, I am in turn tasked to nominate blogs I feel are award-worthy. It is not an easy decision, as I thoroughly enjoy each blog over there in my blog roll. However, I narrowed it down to these two:
My first nomination is Ava at Tales From the Funny Farm. Here is a lady who is by turns funny, outrageous, touching, and poignant. She writes fantastic prose, and even her poetry is, well, poetic. She can paint you a portrait with her words, no matter what she writes, and visiting her blog is most definitely time well spent. (And fair warning - most of the time, she'll have you doubled over with laughter).
My second nomination goes to a scathingly funny blogger who I already know will not accept the award, because she doesn't "do" awards. And I'm cool with that. But, I'm gonna give her some props anyway: Kathi D at I Think We're All Bozos on This Bus. Most of the time, she is irreverently funny - and completely unapologetic about it! She writes about her past, and her present, her chickens (yes, chickens), current events, celebrities, Wii Fit... You name it - no one and nothing is spared her acerbic wit. Even her commenters will have you in stitches. But, check her archives for this post (among several others) about her mom, and you'll find there's a bit of a softie in there too...but don't tell her I told you so...
Thank you Joy, for the nomination! And to you who are reading this post - don't just take my word for it. Check out my nominees, and see if you don't add them to your own blog rolls.