My kids, however, have not inherited this ease with the night. Ask them to retrieve a favorite toy after lights-out, and they will - without fail - flip on every single light switch they pass on their journey. Guess who has to go back down and flip them back off? Though, in all fairness, I remember way back when: leaping from light switch to bed at night, then pulling the covers over my head, waiting for my heart to stop pounding... and then I turned twenty-seven...
That got me thinking about fears, so I did a little research to find some of the more... unusual... phobias out there. Here's a representative sample:
Anatidaephobia - the fear that wherever you are, a duck is watching you (I kid you not...)
Arachibutyrophobia - the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth (fairly valid, all things considered...)
Amathophobia - fear of dust (Don't come to my house if you suffer from this one!)
Walloonphobia - fear of Walloons (Now, this one I looked into a little more - Walloon is a Romance language spoken as a second language by some in Wallonia, Belgium. Who knew?)
Zemmiphobia - fear of the great mole rat (Guess anyone who suffers from this one shouldn't watch Kim Possible - A Sitch in Time...)
Mageirocophobia - the fear of cooking (hmmm... the kitchen does creep me out a little, but maybe it's just that skillet that hasn't come clean for two days, now...)
Alektophobia - fear of chickens (Oooh! All you alektophobics out there may not want to visit Kathi's I Think We're All Bozos on This Bus blog- but everyone else should... she's a riot!)
Alliumphobia - fear of garlic (Think of all the poor alliumphobics out there mislabeled as vampires...)
Eosophobia - fear of daylight (Yes, well, if you're alliumphobic and eosophobic, you may have some 'splainin' to do...)
Pentheraphobia - fear of one's mother-in-law ('fess up now people, you know who you are...)
Vestiophobia - fear of clothes (Is this why so many toddlers delight in disrobing at the most inappropriate times?)
Gymnophobia - fear of nudity (So, if you put a vestiophobe and a gymnophobe in the same room together, do they cancel each other out??)
Ataxophobia - fear of disorder or untidiness (Definitely not me - but if this is you, well, again, maybe you won't want to visit my humble abode...)
Samhainophobia - fear of Halloween (movie: yes! holiday: not!)
Syngenesophobia - fear of relatives (hmmm... well, not all of them...)
Dromophobia - fear of crossing the road (Crud! All this time, we've been asking the wrong question. That chicken never crossed the road at all...)
Ombrophobia - fear of rain or being rained on (So, I guess visiting Seattle would be out of the question...)
Kathisophobia - fear of sitting down (Hey! Is this why Hemmingway is said to have written while standing up, with his typewriter propped on a bookcase? He- What? What's a typewr- You know, typewriter?? Tap-tap-tappatiy-tap, zzzzip, tingggg? Those things writers used to- Oh, never mind...)